Resources Request Form

I am trying to gather suggestions from Heads of Departments as to core texts used for GCSE & A/AS level studies so we can buy copies for the Library. 

1. Please could you give me details of the text books you use so I can ensure we have an up to date copy? This is particularly important if you have or are about to make changes to your syllabus for 2014.

2. If you would like to suggest other titles you wish me to buy to support your subject areas please give me the author, title and ISBN number for those texts or provide an email or paper copy of any reading lists you would like me to select stock from..

3. We hope to launch a platform that will provide access to e-books next year. Many publishers are still not providing text books in e-book form, but if you would like us where possible to buy an e-book copy of your core texts please indicate below. 

4. If you would prefer the library to support your subject by subscribing to online journals or databases please provide the relevant order details below.

Please can you complete and submit this form  by Tuesday 15th July 2014.
I will try my best to satisfy all requests - budget allowing!

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