Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Award winning author to visit the Library

Annabel Pitcher to visit the school. 

Award winning author Annabel Pitcher is to visit the school on Monday May 18th to talk to Year 8 students about her work and in particular her book My sister lives on the mantelpiece. This story has been making students both laugh and cry as it's unusual plot revolves around a young boy whose sister has been killed in a terrorist bomb. Perhaps not the obvious subject for a fiction book?

Annabel's novel was specially selected to be given away as part of World Book Night - an annual event to promote reading to all. Excitingly, she took part in a live talk along with the author David Almond to celebrate the event  in London that was streamed to over 2,000 schools. Check out the web site link at: to see Annabel in action or visit her blog @

Date for the diary - Annabel Pitcher to visit Arthur Terry